

This is a live bibliography for the history and theory of modern philology. It will continue to be expanded and updated, so we gladly welcome your supplements and suggestions, your comments and corrections. Please make contact with Christian Hoekema ( to do so.

Note: this running bibliography is meant to be selective, not comprehensive, as a tool for further study. The compilation aims for thematic, linguistic, historical, and disciplinary diversity. Sources are listed only once, even when they could fit beneath multiple categories.


The listings appear chronologically, by date of publication. The first two sections (theoretical frameworks for philology and historical accounts of philology) comprise sources written in the 19th century itself as well as subsequent literature from the 20th and 21st centuries. By contrast, the third section (key debates in the history of philology) reflects more recent historiography, without including the original sources from the period.

I. Frameworks

A. 19th century

B. 20th to 21st centuries

II. Histories

A. 19th century

B. 20th to 21st centuries

III. Controversies

A. Homeric Question

B. Creuzer-Streit (Creuzer Affair)

C. Sachphilologie vs. Wortphilologie (August Böckh vs. Gottfried Hermann)

D. Documentary Hypothesis

E. Babel-Bibel-Streit (Babel-Bible Affair)

F. Mahabharata and Bhagavad-gita

G. Roland

H. Beowulf

I. Nibelungenlied

J. The ‘Lachmann’ Method

K. Zend Avesta and Zarathustra

L. Synoptic Problem (coming soon)

M. Eumenidenstreit (coming soon)



Long 19th century  

Schlegel, Friedrich (1797) ‘Zur Philologie [I, II]’, in Fragmente zur Poesie und Literatur, Pt 1, Kritische Friedrich-Schlegel-Ausgabe 16/2, ed. Hans Eichner, 33–81. Paderborn: Schöningh / Zurich: Thomas. 

Wolf, Friedrich August (1807) ‘Darstellung der Althertums-Wissenschaft’, in Museum der Althertums-Wissenschaft 1, pp. 3–145. 

Haase, Friedrich (1847) ‘Philologie’, in Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, vol. 23/3, pp. 374–422. Leipzig: Brockhaus., 

Müller, Lucian (1878) Gedanken über das Studium der classischen Philologie. Supplement zu der wissenschaftlichen Biographie Ritschls. Berlin: Calvary & Co. 

Usener, Hermann (1882) Philologie und Geschichtswissenschaft, Bonn: Max Cohen & Sohn. 

Vollgraff, J. C (1883) L’essence et la méthode de la philologie classique. Discours prononcé à l’ouverture de ses conférences à l’université de Bruxelles. Leiden: Brill. 

Kelley, Francis W. (1908) ‘Is There a Science of Classical Philology?’, Classical Philology 3, no. 4, pp. 369–85. 

Margolis, M. L. (1910) ‘The Scope and Methodology of Biblical Philology’, Jewish Quarterly 

Review 1, pp. 5–41. 

Windisch, Ernst (1917, 1920) Geschichte der Sanskrit-Philologie und Indischen Altertumskunde, 2 vols. Strasbourg: Trübner (vol. 1), Berlin: de Gruyter (vol. 2).  

Boeckh, August (1877) Encyklopädie und Methodologie der philologischen Wissenschaften, ed. Ernst Bratuscheck. Leipzig: Teubner. Partially translated by John Paul Pritchard as On Interpretation & Criticism. Norman: University Press of Oklahoma Press, 1968. 


20th and 21st centuries  

Shorey, Paul (1906) ‘Philology and Classical Philology’, The Classical Journal 1, no. 6, pp. 169–96. 

Buck, Carl Darling (1916) ‘Comparative Philology and the Classics’, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 47, pp. 65–83. 

Maas, Paul (1927) Textkritik. Leipzig: Teubner. Translated by Barbara Flower as Textual Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958. 

Jaeger, Werner (1936) ‘Classical Philology and Humanism’, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 67, pp. 363–74. 

Auerbach, Erich (1952) ‘Philologie der Weltliteratur’, in Weltliterature. Festgabe für Fritz Strich zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. Walter Muschg and Emil Staiger with Watler Henzen, pp. 39–50. Translated by Maire and Edward Said as ‘Philology and Weltliteratur’, The Centennial Review 13 (1969): pp. 1–17.  

McGann, Jerome J. (1985) The Beauty of Inflections: Literary Investigations in Historical Method and Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 

de Man, Paul (1986) The Return to Philology’, in The Resistance to Theory. Theory and History of Literature 33. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 

Bal, Mieke (1987) ‘Virginity: Toward a Feminist Philology’, Dispositio 12, nos. 30–32, pp. 65–82. 

Cerquiglini, Bernard (1989) Éloge de la variante. Histoire critique de la philologie. Paris: Seuil. Translated by B. Wing as In Praise of the Variant: A Critical History of Philology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. 

Culler, Jonathan (1990) ‘Anti-Foundational Philology’, Comparative Literature Studies 27, no. 1: ‘What is Philology’, ed. Jan Ziolkowski, pp. 49–52. 

Johnson, B. (1990) ‘Philology: What is at Stake’, in On Philology, ed. Jan Ziolkowski, 26–30. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 

Patterson, Lee (1990) ‘Introduction: Critical Historicism and Medieval Studies’, in Literary Practice and Social Change in Britain, 1380–1530, ed. Lee Patterson, pp. 1–14. Berkeley: University of California Press. 

Ziolkowski, Jan, ed. (1990) Comparative Literature Studies 27, no. 1, ‘What is Philology?’. 

Freccero, C. (1994) ‘Practicing Queer Philology with Marguerite de Navarre: Nationalism and the Castigation of Desire’, Queering the Renaissance, ed. Jonathan Goldberg, 107–23. Durham: Duke University Press. 

Patterson, Lee (1994) ‘The Return to Philology’, in The Past and Future of Medieval Studies, ed. John van Engen, pp. 231–44. South Bend: Notre Dame University Press. 

Stackmann, Karl (1994) ‘Neue Philologie?’, in Modernes Mittelalter. Neuer Bilder einer populären Epoche, ed. Joachim Heinzle, pp. 398–427. Frankfurt: Insel. 

Fleischman, Suzanne (1996) ‘Medieval Vernaculars and the Myth of Monoglossia: A Conspiracy of Linguistics and Philology’, in Literary History and the Challenge of Philology: The Legacy of Erich Auerbach, ed. Seth Lerer, pp. 92–104. Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 

Frank, Roberta. (1997) ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Philologist’, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 96, no. 4, pp. 486–513. 

Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W. (1999) ‘Rethinking Historical Criticism’, Biblical Interpretation 7, no. 3, pp. 235–71. 

Becker, A.L. (2000) Beyond Translation: Essays toward a Modern Philology. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 

Holquist, Michael. (2000) ‘Forgetting our Nature, Remembering our Mother’, PMLA 115, no. 7: Special Millenium Issue, pp. 1975–77. 

Warren, Michelle R. (2000) ‘Introduction: Relating Philology, Practicing Humanism’, PMLA 125, no. 2, pp. 283–88. 

Culler, Jonathan (2002) ‘The Return to Philology’, Journal of Aesthetic Education 36, no. 3, pp. 12–16. 

Grabes, H. (2002) ‘Philology and the Cultural Turn’, in Changing Philologies, ed. Hans Lauge Hansen, pp. 51–62. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum. 

Lernout, Geert (2002) ‘Genetic Criticism and Philology’, Text 14, pp. 53–75. 

Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich (2003) The Powers of Philology: Dynamics of Textual Scholarship (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 

Restall, Matthew (2003) ‘A History of the New Philology and the New Philology in History’, Latin American Research Review 38, no. 1, pp. 113–34. 

Said, Edward (2004) ‘The Return to Philology’, in Humanism and Democratic Criticism, pp. 57–84. New York: Columbia University Press. 

Gurd, Sean Alexander (2005) Iphigenias at Aulis: Textual Multiplicity, Radical Philology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 

Ziolkowski, Jan M. (2005) ‘Metaphilology’, Journal of English and German Philology 104, no. 2, pp. 239–72. 

Hamacher, Werner (2009) ‘95 Theses on Philology’, Diacritics 39, no. 1, pp. 25–44. Reprinted in Minima Philologica, trans. Catharine Diel and Jason Groves. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. 

Harpham, Geoffrey Galt (2009) ‘Roots, Races, and the Return to Philology’, Representations 106, no. 1, 34–62. 

Pollock, Sheldon (2009) ‘Future Philology? The Fate of a Soft Science in a Hard World’, Critical Inquiry 35, no. 4, pp. 931–61. 

Schwindt, Jürgen Paul, ed. (2009) Was ist eine philologische Frage? Beiträge zur Erkundung einer theoretischen Einstellung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. 

Holquist, Michael (2011) ‘The Place of Philology in an Age of World Literature’, Neohelicon 38, pp. 267–87. 

Messling, Markus (2012) ‘Philologie et racisme: À propos de l’historicité dans les sciences des langues et des textes’, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 67, no. 1, pp. 153–82. Translated by John Angell as ‘Philology and Racism: On Historicity in the Sciences of Language and Text’, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 57, no. 1, 151–80. 

Ferguson, Frances (2013) ‘Philology, Literature, Style’, ELH 80, no. 2, pp. 323–41. 

Hamilton, John T (2013) Security: Politics, Humanity, and the Philology of Care. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

Pollock, Sheldon (2014) ‘Philology in Three Dimensions’, postmedieval 5, no. 4: ‘Philology and the Mirage of Time’, pp. 398–413. 

Spiegel, G. (2014) ‘Reflections on The New Philology’, in Rethinking the New Medievalism, ed. R. Howard Bloch, Alison Calhoun, Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, Joachim Küpper, and Jeanette Patterson, pp. 39–50. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 

Gasparov, M. L., and Michael Wachtel (2015) ‘On Bakhtin, Philosophy, and Philology: Two Essays’, PMLA 130, no. 1, pp. 129–42. 

Pollock, Sheldon, Benjamin A. Elman, and Ku-ming Kevin Chang, eds. (2015) World Philology Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 

Pollock, Sheldon (2015) ‘Liberating Philology’, Verge: Studies in Global Asias 1, no. 1, pp. 16–21. 

Grafton, Anthony, and Glenn W. Most (2016), ed. Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Dayeh, Islam, ed. ‘Inaugural Volume’, Philological Encounters 1, no. 1. 

Lambert, David Arthur (2016) ‘Refreshing Philology: James Barr, Supersessionism, and the State of Biblical Words’, Biblical Interpretation 24, no. 3, pp. 332–56. 

Masten, Jeffrey (2016) Queer Philologies: Sex, Language, and Affect in Shakespeare’s Time. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 

Pollock, Sheldon (2016) ‘Philology and Freedom’, Philological Encounters 1, no. 1, pp. 4–30. 

Kay, Sarah (2017) Philology’s Vomit: An Essay on the Immortality and Corporeality of Texts. Mediävistische Perspektiven 5. Zurich: Chronos. 

Lönnroth, Harry, ed. (2017) Philology Matters! Essays on the Art of Reading Slowly. Medieval and Renaissance Authors and Texts 19. Leiden: Brill. 

Hamilton, John T. (2018) Philology of the Flesh. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Gamble, Joseph (2019) ‘Toward a Trans Philology’, Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 19, no. 4, pp. 26–44. 

Gerhard Richter and Ann Smock, ed. (2019) Give the Word: Responses to Werner Hamacher’s ‘95 Theses on Philology’. Stages. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 

Kurtz, Paul Michael (2021) ‘The Philological Apparatus: Science, Text, and Nation in the Nineteenth Century’, Critical Inquiry 47, no. 4, pp. 747–76. 

Dobbs-Allsopp, F.W. (2022) ‘For the Love of Words in The(ir) World(s): Theorizing Biblical Philology’, in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of P. Kyle McCarter Jr., ed. Christopher Rollston, Susanna Garfein, and Neal H. Wells, pp. 37–66. Ancient Near Eastern Monographs 27. Atlanta: SBL Press. 

Emre, Merve (2023) ‘The Return to Philology’, PMLA 138, no. 1, pp. 171–77. 


Long 19th century 

Haase, Friedrich (1847) Philologie’, in Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, vol. 3.23, Philipp (Weltliche Kurfürsten) – Philosophiana, ed. M.H.E. Meier, pp. 374–422. Leipzig: Brockhaus. 

Dwight, Benhamin W. (1859) Modern Philology: Its Discoveries, History and Influence, with Maps, Tabular Views, and an Index. New York: Barnes & Burr. 

Benfey, Theodor (1869) Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und orientalischen Philologie in Deutschland seit dem Anfange des 19. Jahrhunderts mit einem Rückblick auf die früheren Zeiten. Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland. Neuere Zeit 8. Munich: Cotta. 

Bernays, Jacob [878/79] (2008) Geschichte der Klassischen Philologie. Vorlesungsnachschrift von Robert Münzel. Spudasmata 120. Hildesheim: Olms. 

Usener, Hermann (1882) Philologie und Geschichtswissenschaft, Bonn: Max Cohen & Sohn.  

Bursian, Conrad (1883) Geschichte der classischen Philologie in Deutschland von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, vol. 19 of Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland: Neuere Zeit, ed. Historical Commission of the Bavarian Royal Academy of the Sciences. Munich: Oldenbourg. 

Lord Acton, ‘German Schools of History’, English Historical Review 1, no. 1, pp. 7–42. 

Gudeman, Alfred (1894) Outlines of the History of Classical Philology. Boston: Ginn & Co. 

Sandys, John Edwin (1903) A History of Classical Scholarship: From the End of the Sixth Century B.C. to the End of the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Kroll, Wilhelm (1905) Die Altertumswissenschaft im letzten Vierteljahrhundert. Eine Übersicht über ihre Entwicklung in der Zeit von 1875-1900 im Verein mit mehreren Fachgenossen. Leipzig: Reisland. 

Kroll, Wilhelm (1919) Geschichte der klassischen Philologie. Berlin: De Gruyter. 

von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich (1921) Geschichte der Philologie. Leipzig: Teubner. Translated by Alan Harris as History of Classical Scholarship, ed. Hugh Lloyd-Jones. London: Duckworth, 1982. 


20th and 21st Centuries 

Bloomfield, Maurice (1919) ‘Fifty Years of Comparative Philology in America’, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 50, pp. 62–83. 

Gerretzen, Jan Gerard (1940) Schola Hemsterhusiana: De Herleving der Grieksche Studiën aan de Nederlandsche Universiteiten in de Achttiende Eeuw van Perizonius tot en met Valckenaer. Nijmegen: Dekker & Van de Vegt. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1955) Contributo alla storia degli studi classici. Storia e Letteratura 47. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1960) Secondo Contributo alla Storia degle Studi Classici. Storia e Letteratura 77. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1966) Terzo contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 108–09. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura.  

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1969) Quarto contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 115. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1975) Quinto contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 135–36. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1980) Sesto contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 149–50. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Knowles, D. (1963) Great Historical Enterprises and Problems in Monastic History. London. 

Flashar, Hellmut, Karlfried Gründer, and Axel Horstmann, eds. (1979). Philologie und Hermeneutik im 19. Jahrhundert. Zur Geschichte und Methodologie der Geisteswissenschaften. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 

Grafton, Anthony (1983) ‘Polyhistor into Philolog: Notes on the Transformation of German Classical Scholarship, 1780–1850’, History of Universities 3, pp. 159–92. 

Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H. (1983) ‘The Textual Criticism of the Old Testament: Rise, Decline, Rebirth’, Journal of Biblical Literature 102, no. 3, pp. 365–99.  

Grafton, Anthony (1983) Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship, vol. 1, Textual Criticism and Exegesis. Oxford-Warburg Studies. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 

Turner, R. Steven (1983) ‘Historicism, Kritik, and the Prussian Professoriate, 1790 to 1840’, in Philologie und Hermeneutik im 19. Jahrhundert, vol. 2, eds. Mayotte Bollack, Heinz Wismann, and Theodor Lindken, pp. 449–89. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1984) Settimo contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 161. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Bloch, R. Howard (1985) ‘Naturalism, Nationalism, Medievalism’, Romanic Review 76, no. 4, pp. 341–60. 

Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich (1986) ‘“Un Souffle d’Allemagne ayant passé”: Friedrich Diez, Gaston Paris, and the Genesis of National Philologies’, trans. Ulrike Müller-Charles & Joseph J. Duggan, Romance Philology 40, no. 1, pp. 1–37. 

Leventhal, Robert S. (1986) ‘The Emergence of Philological Discourse in the German States, 1770–1810’, Isis 77, no. 2, pp. 243–60. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1987) Ottavo contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 169. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Olender, M. (1989) Les langues du paradies. Aryens et Sémites, un couple providentiel. Paris: Seuil. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer as Languages of Paradise: Race, Religion, and Philology in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992. 

Bloch, R. Howard (1991) ‘“Mieux vaut jamais que tard”: Romance, Philology, and Old French Letters’, Representations 36, pp. 64–86. 

Grafton, Anthony (1993) Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship, vol. 2, Historyical Chronology. Oxford-Warburg Studies. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 

Grafton, Anthony (1994) Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450–1800. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (1992) Nono contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 180. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

Pollock, Sheldon (1993) ‘Deep Orientalism? Notes on Sanskrit and Power Beyond the Raj’, in Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia, ed. Carol A. Breckenridge and Peter van der Veer, pp. 76–136. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.  

Marchand, Suzanne L. (1996) Down from Olympus. Archaeology and Philhellenism in Germany, 1750-1970. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

Most, Glenn W. (1997) One Hundred Years of Fractiousness: Disciplining Polemics in Nineteenth-Century German Classical Scholarship, Transactions of the American Philological Association 127 pp. 349–61. 

Heschel, Susannah (1998) Abraham Geiger and the Jewish Jesus. Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Trautmann-Waller, Céline (1998) Philologie allemande t tradition juive. Le parcours intellectuel de Leopold Zunz. Paris: Le Cerf. 

Porter, James I. (2000) Nietzsche and the Philology of the Future. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 

Barner, Wilfried, and Christoph König, ed. (2001) Jüdische Intellektuelle und die Philologien in Deutschland, 1871–1933. Marbacher Wissenschaftsgeschichte 3. Göttingen: Wallstein. 

Gerli, E. Michael (2001) ‘Inventing the Spanish Middle Ages: Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Spanish Cultural History, and Ideology in Philology’, La corónica 30, no. 1, pp. 111–26. 

Lerer, Seth (2002) Error and the Academic Self: The Scholarly Imagination, Medieval to Modern. New York: Columbia University Press. 

Gildenhard, Ingo/Ruehl, Martin (eds.) (2003) Out of Arcadia: Classics and Politics in Germany in the Age of Burckhardt, Nietzsche and Wilamowitz. London: BICS Supplement 79.  

Leerssen, Joseph Theodoor (2004) ‘Literary Historicism: Romanticism, Philologists, and the Presence of the Past’, Modern Language Quarterly 65, no. 2, pp. 221–43. 

Mathijsen, Marita (2005) ‘The Editing of National Shibboleth Texts: An Historical Ac- count’, Text 17, pp. 223–35. 

Sengupta, I. (2005) From Salon to Discipline: State, University and Indology in Germany, 1821–1914. Beiträge zur Südasienforschung 198. Würzburg: Ergon. 

Sheehan, Jonathan (2005) The Enlightenment Bible: Translation, Scholarship, Culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

Clark, William (2006) Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Rock, Jan (2006) ‘Literary Monuments and Editor’s Jokes: Nationalism and Professionalisation in Editions of Lodewijk van Velthem’s Spiegel Historiael (1727–1906)’, in Texts in Multiple Versions – Histories of Editions, ed. Luigi Giuliani, Herman Brinkman, Geert Lernout, and Marita Mathijsen, pp. 285–313, Variants 5. Leiden: Brill. 

Carhart, Michael (2007) The Science of Culture in Enlightenment Germany. Harvard Historical Studies 159. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 

Rojinsky, David (2007) ‘Teaching Nationalism, Imperialism and Romance Philology’, La corónica 35, no. 2, pp. 291–301 

Schestag, T. (2007) ‘Philology, Knowledge’, Telos 140, pp. 28–44. 

Benes, Tuska (2008) In Babel’s Shadow: Language, Philology, and the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Kritik: German Literary Theory and Cultural Studies Series. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 

Gramatzki, Susanne (2008) ‘Kontroverse Konstrukte. Die Erforschung des Mittelalters und die Erfindung der Romanischen Philologie’, Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 38, no. 3, pp. 148–69. 

Messling, M. (2008) ‘Disziplinäres (Über-)Lebenswissen. Zum Sinn einer kritischen Geschichte der Philologie,’ Lendemains. Études comparées sur la France 129, pp. 102–10. 

Rabault-Feuerhahn, Pascale (2008). L’archive des origines. Sanskrit, philologie, anthropologies dans l’Allemagne du XIXe siècle. Bibliothèque franco-allemande. Paris: Eds. du Cerf. Translated by Dominique Bach and Richard Willet as Archives of Origins: Sanskrit, Philology, Anthropology in 19th Century Germany, Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Studien 9. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013. 

Marchand, Suzanne L. (2009) German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race, and Scholarship. Publications of the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

McGetchin, Douglas T. (2009) Indology, Indomania, and Orientalism: Ancient India’s rebirth in Modern Germany. Madison: Farleigh Dickinson University Press. 

Gurd, Sean Alexander, ed. (2010) Philology and its Histories. Columbus: Ohio University Press. 

Legaspi, Michael (2010) The Death of Scripture and the Rise of Biblical Studies. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Grafton, Anthony, and Joanna Weinberg (2011) I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue: Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 

Messling, Markus, and Otto Ette, ed. (2012) Wort Macht Stamm: Rassismus und Determinismus in der Philologie. Munich: Fink. 

Momigliano, Arnaldo (2012) Decimo contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico. Storia e Letteratura 252. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e letteratura. 

vom Bruch, Rüdiger (2012) Mommsen und Harnack: Die Geburt von Big Science aus den Geisteswissenschaften’, in Theodor Mommsen – Wissenschaft und Politik im 19. Jahrhundert, ed. Alexander Demandt, Andreas Goldtz, and Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen, pp. 121–41. Berlin: de Gruyter. 

Wolf, Johanna (2012) Kontinuität und Wandel der Philologien. Textarchäologische Studien zur Entstehung der Romanischen Philologie im 19. Jahrhundert. Romanica Monacensia 80. Tübingen: Narr. 

Greetham, David (2013) ‘A History of Textual Scholarship’, in Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship, ed. Neil Fraistat and Julia Flanders, pp. 16–41. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Momma, Haruko (2013) From Philology to English Studies: Language and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Studies in English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Porter, James I. (2013) ‘Erich Auerbach’s Earthly (Counter-)Philology’, Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures 2, no. 2, pp. 243–65. 

Rocher, Rosane, and Ludo Rocher (2012) The Making of Western Indology: Henry Thomas Colebrooke and the East India Company. Royal Asaitic Society books. London: Routledge. 

Warren, Michelle R. (2013) ‘The Politics of Textual Scholarship’, in Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship, pp. 119–33. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Paul, Herman (2014). What Is a Scholarly Persona? Ten Theses on Virtues, Skills, and Desires’. History and Theory 53, no. 3, pp. 348–71. 

Turner, James (2014) Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

Daston, Lorraine, and Glenn W. Most (2015) ‘History of Science and History of Philologies’. Isis 106, no. 2, pp. 378–90. 

Gupta, Suman (2015) Philology and Global English Studies: Retracings. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 

van Kalmthout, Ton, and Huib Zuidervaart (2015) The Practice of Philology in the Nineteenth-Century Netherlands. History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 

Daston, Lorraine (2016) ‘Authenticity, Autopsia, and Theodor Mommsen’s Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum’, in For the Sake of Learning. Essays in Honor of Anthony Grafton, 2 vols., ed. Ann Blair and Anja-Silvia Goeing, 1:955–73. Leiden: Brill. 

Lin, Yii-Jan (2016) The Erotic Life of Manuscripts: New Testament Textual Criticism and the Biological Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Trautmann-Waller, Céline (2016) La philologie au delà de la Grèce: Exemplarité grecque et totalité de l’humanité chez Wilhelm von Humboldt, August Boeckh et Heymann Steinthal’, in L’hellénisme de Wilhelm von Humboldt et ses prolongements européens, eds. Michel Espagne and Sandrine Maufroy, 47–70. Paris: Demopolis, Ecole française d’Athènes. 

Trautmann-Waller, Céline, ed. (2017) De la philologie allemande à l’anthropologie française. Les sciences humaines à l’EPHE (1868–1945). Paris: Honoré Champion. 

Zakai, Avihu (2017) Erich Auerbach and the Crisis of German Philology: The Humanist Tradition in Peril. Dordrecht: Springer. 

Davis, John R., and Angus Nicholls (2018) Friedrich Max Müller and the Role of Philology in Victorian Thought. Abingdon: Routledge. 

Touber, Jetze (2018) Spinoza and Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic, 1660–1710. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

van Miert, Dirk (2018) The Emancipation of Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic, 1500–1670. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

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